Getting Back to Work After a Crisis/Lockdown
Now that lockdowns are slowly lifted, and people are slowly getting back to their regular activities, there are a lot of things to consider and to check on, before, and after getting back to business. That’s why we at Training 4 Safety have created a Post-Crisis/Disaster (Lockdown) Preparedness Online Training to prepare you physically, emotionally & mentally after a crisis situation.
As we go through the different Alert Levels, it is expected that changes occur with daily life. Depending on the Alert Level, only a limited amount of people will be allowed to go about their usual routine, and only selected establishments will be allowed to operate. With workplaces operating differently under the Alert Levels, so too should work methods.
Businesses must keep all their usual protocols, but also include procedures to keep people safe during the COVD-19 pandemic. It may be easy to forget to keep the usual protocols in place, while everyone’s minds are focused on COVID related issues. Our Post-Crisis/Disaster (Lockdown) Preparedness Online Training will help re-iterate the importance of Workplace Safety, prepare your company and employees for Emergency Situations, all while keeping mindful of new COVID-19 procedures.
It is vital to check an employee’s mental health in an after-crisis situation. Employees’ personal experiences during the crisis may have affected their mental health, their work, and their relationships. In this training, we will be able to learn the right approach to an employee’s mental health after lockdown.
This course will also help in preventing serious accidents due to possible limited workforces. It is highly recommended to train employees to be cautious in their actions and be vigilant in their surroundings, equipping them with the right tools, equipment, and knowledge on how to handle the new normal situation. It is crucial that we all learn the right procedures so that we will not complicate or worsen our current situation.
Complacency should be avoided in times of crisis, a lot of changes may have happened to your office facilities, equipment, vehicles, and most importantly, to your employees. It is important to carry out pre-operational checks. All management and employees should be checking facilities, equipment, vehicles, and mental wellbeing, to learn the do’s and don’t’s, and to be informed of the precautionary measures to take in case of emergencies.
Our new training is a combination of our Emergency Warden and Workplace Safety Awareness Course, with some additional Post-Crisis/Disaster (Lockdown) Preparedness content, covering all topics relating to procedures to follow during emergencies in the workplace, and how to overcome them.
- Emergency Situations
- Trespassers
- Missing Persons
- Injury or Death
- Natural Disasters
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Site Protocol and Behaviour
- PPE and Safety Equipment
- Machinery
- Office Ergonomics
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Returning to Life After a Crisis
This is a 1-2 hours written, visual and audio special course created to suit any type of learner, and a certificate of competency will be provided for trainees who will successfully meet quiz requirements.
Get in touch today to organise this training for yourself or your workplace!