Our Year in Review
We’ve had an incredible year at Training 4 Safety. We’re so happy to be able to serve you, our customers! If you’re reading this, we want to thank you – it means a lot to us that you chose us as your safety training provider.
A Busy Year
We have been busy this year! We have been working on new courses and are very excited to announce them soon.
We’ve also launched our new website, which means it will be easier to learn about us and view all our courses. We are always working on improving our online presence to make finding training easier for you. We have also launched our new Online Training Platform, making our online learning easier and more intuitive.
In addition, one of our main goals for this year was to increase the quality and quantity of training materials. We know that finding good training can be difficult (and expensive), so we wanted our learners to have access to everything they need, all in one place!
Finally, despite the hardships over the past couple years, we have had amazing growth! Many of our courses have been sold out, and STCW Training has really taken off! We are very excited to see what the future holds for us! We’re looking forward to continuing our mission of helping learners get the training they need, and we hope that our customers feel like they can come to us for quality training.
Training 4 Safety Turned 8 This Year!
Training 4 Safety has been operating for 8 years now, and we have provided thousands of students with excellent quality training. These past 8 years have been exciting for us and we have grown so much, starting from delivering just Fire Warden and Extinguisher Training to offering over 50 different courses! Despite the hardships of the past couple years, we are busier than ever and are excited for what the coming years will have in-store for us.
What’s New?
We have had many things working away in the background this year, from new staff, new courses, and refining our methodologies.
We’ve made it a priority to share our difference as a Safety Training Provider. This includes our use of our Competency-Based Training methodology. We’ve been working on how best to deliver this method and share with you all what it is, and how it works. We believe it is an effective method, and there has been a world-wide shift into this style of learning. Learn more about our Competency-Based Training here.
Our new Head Trainer Kell started a few months ago and it has been awesome having him on the team! He brings many years of industry and training experience, and our students have found him knowledgeable and great to learn from.
We also have a new Training Administrator, Emily, who quickly learnt all about the training industry and has grown to confidently guide our customers in the right direction. If you've gotten in touch with us in the past few months, chances are it was Emily you spoke with!
Thank You for an Incredible Year!
Thank you for your support and loyalty. We've had a great year, and it's because of you! You are the reason we do what we do. We look forward to seeing all of our customers again in 2023!
We’re so grateful for all of you and would not be where we are today without your support and enthusiasm. On behalf of the entire team at Training 4 Safety, Happy Holidays!